PhD students

106 records
Lastname Firstname Social University E‑Mail Theme of thesis Director of thesis Defence year
AHMAD Esa UNINE E‑Mail Animal meaning Professor Klaus Zuberbühler
Dr Mélissa Berthet
ALLEN Stephanie UNIFR E‑Mail Early Modern Academic Drama Elisabeth Dutton
James McBain
ALLRED Gemma UNINE E‑Mail Selling Shakespeare - Meaning Making through Marketing Prof Emma DePledge
ANDREY Brayan UNINE E‑Mail Accent Bias and Social Judgment in the Courtroom: Experimental Studies of Attitudes toward Witnesses’ Accents and their Effects on Legal Decision-Making [provisional title] Prof. Dr. Martin Hilpert 2024-2025
ASIÁN Marina UNIZH E‑Mail Historical Linguistics - Norse-derived terms in Middle English lexis. Prof. Dr. Olga Timofeeva
Dr. Sara Pons-Sanz (Cardiff University)
BALINO Sofia UNIGE E‑Mail American Chaos: Joan Didion as the "Voice of a Generation" in a Disordered Nation Professor Simon Swift
BECKMANN Emeline UNIFR E‑Mail éducation populaire, sociolinguistique critique, théâtre Alexandre Duchêne
BENISTY Ezra UNIL E‑Mail Building Imagination through the Language of Poetics: The Architecture of Early Modern English and Continental Poetry (provisional title) Kirsten Stirling 2025
BERGAM PELLICANI Marija UNIGE E‑Mail Under West Indian Eyes: Representations of Europe in Derek Walcott's Poetry Dr Martin Leer
BERNABE GRIFFIN Arnaldo UNIFR E‑Mail Language, Race, and Society
BERTS Marina UNIL E‑Mail Late Modern English language use across gender and class: a historical sociolinguistic investigation Prof. Anita Auer, English Department, UNIL Probably 2028 or 2029
BLAIR Hazel UNIL E‑Mail Region and Nation in Late Medieval Devotion to Northern English Saints (FNS project). Prof. Denis Renevey
BLANC Aurélie UNIFR E‑Mail Medieval Convent Drama Elisabeth Dutton
Olivia Robinson
BOESTAD Klara UNIGE E‑Mail Riddles in the drawing-room: le traducteur littéraire au défi de l'implicite dans l’œuvre de Jane Austen Prof. Fontanet 2024
BOOG Michael UNIBE E‑Mail The Problem of Worldmaking: Contemporary Anglophone World Literature, Critical Irrealism and the Question of Normativity Prof. Dr. Gabriele Rippl
BOUCHELAGHEM Aïcha UNIGE E‑Mail African American literature; Abolitionist literature; intersectional veganism Deborah Madsen
BOVET Vincent UNINE E‑Mail neuropsychology; pathology of language
BRÜGGER Britta UNIBE E‑Mail Children in Transit - Representations of Child Migrants in Contemporary European Literature Prof. Dr. Bénédicte Vauthier Prof. Dr. Julia Straub
Prof. Dr. Thomas Claviez
CAMPONOVO Simone Francesco UNINE E‑Mail Food, Cookery and Gender in Early Modern Drama Prof. Emma Depledge
CANEDO Anne UNIL E‑Mail English Literature - Jane Austen Dr. Enit Steiner
CLARK Corinne UNIGE E‑Mail Sweet to the Soul, Health to the Bones: Global Languages of Medicine and Devotion in Early Middle English Literature and Arabic Treatise Prof. G. Bolens
CLARK Douglas UNINE E‑Mail N/A
CONSTANTIN Jana UNINE E‑Mail Representations of Sleep in William Shakespeare's Plays: Politics, Gender and Adaptations Pr. Emma Depledge, UNINE Not before 2027
CUI Chen UNIL E‑Mail Eco-Narrative and Self-Expression in Medieval European Travel Writing: Marco Polo, John Mandeville, Margery Kempe, and Felix Fabri Prof. Denis Renevey (UNIL)
Prof. Anthony Bale (University of London)
CURTIS Kristen UNIBE E‑Mail The Wife of Bath, Unbecoming: Adaptation and Obscenity in Eighteenth-Century Chaucerian Retellings Prof. Dr. Mary Flannery 2025
DANYLOVYCH Olena UNIL E‑Mail Mental Unity as a Condition for and Consequence of the Apophatic Union Professor Denis Renevey
Dr Christiania Whitehead
DROZ-DIT-BUSSET Olivia UNIBE E‑Mail Multimodal discourse analysis of social media influencers as ‘new generation’ copy-writers. Prof. Dr. Crispin Thurlow Professor of Language and Communication, Director, Department of English 2021
DUARTE GONÇALVES VENTURA DE PAULA WIRTH Beatriz UNIL E‑Mail Language Attrition in a Multilingual Community: Do speakers of typologically different languages attrite similarly? Anita Auer 2024
DUELL Meg UNIL E‑Mail Adaptation and Eco-Criticism in Shakespeare Kevin Curran
DURDEL Patrick UNIL E‑Mail Dramaturgies of Judgment in Tudor Drama Prof Kevin Curran 2025
EDWARDS William UNINE E‑Mail Byron, Samuel Rogers, Thomas Moore, Regency Poetics Professor Patrick Vincent
ELSIG Damien UNIFR E‑Mail Milton's Satan: A Shakespearean Avenger Dr Kilian Schindler UNIFR
PD Dr Antoinina Bevan Zlatar UZH
ESCHERLE Nora Anna UNIBE E‑Mail Narratives of Religious Alterity: Religion and Violence in contemporary South Asian Anglophone Novels Prof. Dr. Gabriele Rippl
Prof. Dr. Thomas Claviez
FABRIN Elena UNIGE E‑Mail Christopher Marlowe and the Rhetoric of Renaissance Authorship Prof. Lukas Erne
FERRARO Mattia UNINE E‑Mail Images of Switzerland and The Swiss in American Culture, 1900-2020 Patrick Vincent
Boris Vejdovsky
FONTANESI Jole UNIFR E‑Mail New Poetic Ecologies for the Anthropocene: Neo-Modernist Aesthetics in 21st Century Anglophone (Eco)Poetry on Global Warming. Prof. Dr. Julia Straub 2026
FRANKE Rachael UNIFR E‑Mail Is It Black and White? Portrayals of Mothers in Contemporary US American Novels Prof Thomas Austenfeld Summer 2025
FULTON Georgia UNIGE E‑Mail Early Tudor Humanism in Shakespeare's Late Plays. Professor Lukas Erne 2026
GAN Peiyuan UNIFR E‑Mail coperate and financial law
GOMES CORREIA Ana UNIL E‑Mail Representations of Gendered Military Identity Prof. Agnieszka Soltysik Monnet
GOPAL Raksha IHEID E‑Mail The Politics of Motherhood among Refugees in India Elisabeth Prügl 2026
GREEN Robert UNIL E‑Mail Deconstructing the Sample Culture: A Socio-Cultural Critique of American Capitalism through Literature, Media, and Technology Agnieszka Soltysik Monnet
GREENE Julia IHEID E‑Mail The Politics of Migration
GUIGNOT-RAKHIMOV Manon UNIL E‑Mail Representations of Air and Other Elements in the 19th Century British Literature Enit Steiner
HABIBI Hanieh UNIGE E‑Mail Using social networks as CALL system 2022
HALLEMEIER Katherine UNIGE E‑Mail n/a n/a
HEGEDÜS Kader UNIL E‑Mail Donne's narrative of space: geographical, astronomical and spatial dimensions of John Donne's poetry Dr. Kirsten Stirling
HEIMLICH Corey UNIL E‑Mail The Narco-western Borderlands of Better Call Saul Agnieszka Soltysik Monnet
HEWEI Liu UNINE E‑Mail English historical linguistics with quantitative construction grammar methodology Martin Hilpert
HOTTA Hikaru UNINE E‑Mail Lexically Specific Constructions in Alternations Prof. Martin Hilpert
Í JÁKUPSSTOVU Gudrun UNIBE E‑Mail Encountering Time: Temporal Experience and Littoral Space in British and Scandinavian Nature Writing Prof. Dr. Virginia Richter
Dr Ursula Kluwick
ITEN Mark UNIL E‑Mail Lower-class language use in Late Modern England Prof. Anita Auer 2024
JAROSKI Vanessa UNIBE E‑Mail English Languages and Literatures Dr. Crispin Thurlow
JIMÉNEZ VIROSTA Almudena UNIFR E‑Mail A comparatist approach to the Baroque through the works of Miguel de Cervantes and their transnational reception Prof. Francisco Ramírez Santacruz
KAEMPFER Lucie UNIL E‑Mail Finding Joy in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde 2018
KONG Charmaine UNIBE E‑Mail Title of SNSF-funded project: Articulating Rubbish: A Sociolinguistic Approach to the 'Crisis of Waste' Provisional title of PhD thesis: Cleaning up after capitalism: Discourses at/of work in the social lives of blue-collar waste labor Prof. Crispin Thurlow
LOESCH Juliette UNIL E‑Mail Dancing between Languages and Art Forms: The Transcreative Dynamics of Oscar Wilde’s Salomé from the Page to the Stage Prof. Martine Hennard Dutheil de la Rochère
MAGADA Céline UNIL E‑Mail Printed Drama and the Culture of Judgment in Early Modern England Kevin Curran 2025
MAGNIN Jeremie UNINE E‑Mail Swiss Guestbook Project: Spatial Practices and the Performance of Identity in Nineteenth-Century Swiss Hotel Guestbooks Prof. Patrick Vincent
Prof. Kevin James, University of Guelph, Canada
MARENZI Elisa UNIBE E‑Mail [Working title]: "Variation in Australian English - Exploring the emergence of ethnolects in the Italian community in Melbourne" David Britain
MARTIN Caroline UNIGE E‑Mail Intersectional narratology in New Woman fiction Prof. Deborah Madsen 2023
MOLING Martin UNIFR E‑Mail "How Does It Feel?": Rock Music in American Fiction Writing, 1961-2011 Prof. Thomas Austenfeld
MUSA Ramatu UNIL E‑Mail Fugitive Divas: Testimonies of Marronage in the Life Writings of African American Women Celebrities  Prof. Dr. Agnieszka Soltysik Monnet
NOROÑA Eliana UNIGE E‑Mail Magmatic petrology and metallogeny Massimo Chiaradia 4
PARREIRAS REIS Ana Rita UNIL E‑Mail The Temptation of Despair and Therapeutic Discourse in Late Medieval Texts of Religious Guidance Prof. Denis Renevey
PELLANDA Alessandro UNIBE E‑Mail The social semiotics of waste displacement: A material-discursive analysis of the Swiss waste dispositive Prof. Dr. Crispin Thurlow
PELLATON Maxime UNIL E‑Mail Haunted oikos and Weird logos: a myth-ecocritical approach to Weird fiction. Boris Vejdovsky
PETERS Eliis Maria UNIGE E‑Mail Aesthetic Education in Contemporary Refugee Narratives Prof Simon Swift
Dr Martin Leer
PETRIGLIERI Federica UNIL E‑Mail Servants of the Untouchable: Servanthood in Anglo-Indian and Indian English Literature, 1888-2018 Enit Steiner 2027
PLAYER Amy UNIL E‑Mail New Nature Writing in the Anthropocene Prof. Rachel Falconer 2024
POTTER Charlotte UNIGE E‑Mail ‘Unfixed Virginity: Metaphor and Defloration in Early Modern Drama’. Completed at the University of Sussex in 2022 Dr Chloe Porter
Prof Andrew Hadfield
PREUSS Stefanie UNIBE E‑Mail A Scottish National Canon? Processes of Literary Canon Formation in Scotland Prof. Dr. Gabriele Rippl (Bern)
Prof. Dr. Frank Kelleter (Göttingen)
RAINS Jennifer m. UNINE E‑Mail English Clippings Martin Hilpert
RAKHIMOV Azamat UNIGE E‑Mail Shakespeare in Russia: Censorship and Editorial Practices Prof. Lukas Erne
REYNOLDS Sean UNIL E‑Mail The Compulsion to Translate: Dead Languages and the Poet-Translator in Postwar America Agnieszka Soltysik
Kalliopi Nikolopoulou, University at Buffalo, New York
RIISHOJGAARD Marianna UNIGE E‑Mail Byron and Music Simon Swift 2029
ROGLIARDO Elodie UNIL E‑Mail Black Women’s Afropean Identity: Construction, Exploration and Promulgation at the Crossroad of Relations in Leonora Miano’s, Laura Nsafou’s and Kiyemis’ Afropean Narratives. Agnieszka Soltysik Monnet
Valérie Cossy
SAMPAIO MARTINS Sabrina UNIGE E‑Mail Thèse en littérature comparée Evelyn Dueck
SCHAAD Franca UNIFR E‑Mail Masculinities in periodicals of the 'New Right' in Switzerland and GDR in the long 1970s Damir Skenderovic
SCHNEBELEN Florence UNIGE E‑Mail Paradigmes de l'expérience dans la littérature anglaise, allemande et française du romantisme émergent (1795-1819) Registered in France : Prof. Bernard Franco (Comparative Literature, Paris Sorbonne Université)
SCHWEIZER Tibère UNIFR E‑Mail Sciences du langage
SERIR Lina UNIFR E‑Mail Postcolonial Science Fiction Prof. Thomas Austenfeld
Dr Zoe Lehmann
SINGYE Yarab UNIGE - Asian film studies Guillemette Bolens
SKUTHORPE Elizabeth UNIGE E‑Mail The functions of the dead in Old Norse-Icelandic literature
SRIVASTAVA Devarya IHEID E‑Mail Progressive Politics, Poetic Revolutions: Literary Practice, Textual Cultures, and the Creative Worlds of Indian Decolonization, c. 1934-1991
STONCIKAITE IEVA UNIFR E‑Mail No Fear of Flying after Sixty: Sexuality, Gender and Creativity in the Works of Erica Jong Dr Thomas Austenfeld
STÜCKLIN Lancelot UNIGE E‑Mail Marcel Proust Guillemette Bolens 2026
SUTTER Malaika UNIBE E‑Mail Crafting the Needle: Text(ile)-Image Constellations in Contemporary North American Fiction and Art Prof. Dr. Gabriele Rippl
Prof. Dr. Janet Catherine Berlo
TATOULI Vasiliki E‑Mail An Exploration of the Contributions of Anglophone Writers to Emerging Concepts of Greek Identity. Dr John McDonaugh 2024
TIWARI Mansi UNIZH E‑Mail Beyond the Human Eye: Seeing Subjects in the 21st Century Prof. Dr. Dr. Elisabeth Bronfen
Prof. Dr. Fabienne Liptay
TÖNDURY Nino Liam UNIFR E‑Mail Queer Aesthetics, Ekphrasis Prof. Julia Straub
TYAGI Shruti Saxena UNIL E‑Mail Dr. Boris Vejdovsky
VAUDANO Sanja UNIBE E‑Mail The title of my thesis is: Inside the Black Box: Poetics of Dream Narration in Salman Rushdie's Fiction Prof. Dr. Virginia Richter
Dr. Ursula Kluwick
VON RÜTTE Sabine UNIBE E‑Mail Contemporary Motherhood Memoirs (Working title) Prof. Dr. Gabriele Rippl
Prof. Dr. Mita Banerjee
WACHBERGER Fiona UNILU E‑Mail Die Frau als Täterin in der Kriminalliteratur der Gegenwart. Martin Hartmann
Dorothee Kimmich
WEEKS Nicholas UNIGE E‑Mail Artistic Syntheses: A Kinesic Approach to Beckett's Plays in the Context of Modernism Prof. Guillemette Bolens
Dr. Martin Leer
WEISS Nadine UNINE E‑Mail n/a n/a
WERMEILLE Michèle UNIFR E‑Mail Between Creation and Control: The Depiction of Mothers and Motherhood in Feminist Fiction Prof. Thomas Austenfeld
Prof. Julia Straub
WOHLGEMUTH Laura UNIBE E‑Mail Domestic waste and the discursive negotiation of value Professor Crispin Thurlow 2026
ZAGGIA Lorenzo UNIL E‑Mail Discretion in "The Cloud of Unknowing" Christiania Whitehead, Denis Renevey
ZUFFEREY Nora UNIGE E‑Mail Contemporary literature: Jazz poetry and dub poetry. 'Riding Sonic Waves of Change: Space Poetics in Dub and Jazz Poetry'