Practical Information
In case of questions contact the programme coordinator.
To request reimbursement for travel, accommodation or meal expenses please use the appropriate form below:
Reimbursement of Train Fares
- the maximum possible reimbursement for participants is calculated on the basis of a second-class half-fare return Swiss rail ticket between the institution to which the person concerned is attached and the location of the event (i.e. no reimbursement is possible if an event is held at one's own institution)
- the maximum possible reimbursement for supervisory, organisational and teaching staff residing in Switzerland is calculated on the basis of a first-class half-fare return Swiss rail ticket between the institution to which the person concerned is attached and the location of the event (i.e. no reimbursement is possible if an event is held at one's own institution)
- to be reimbursed you must have signed the attendance list of the respective event
- to request travel reimbursement, the appropriate form above needs to be filled in and signed
- the signed reimbursement form should be sent to the programme coordinator, either electronically or per post
Reimbursement of Meals
For one-day activities which last more than four hours the CUSO subsidizes lunch with up to CHF 25 per participant (as of January 2018) and up to CHF 40 per person for supervisory, organisational and teaching staff. Requests for reimbursements must be accompanied by detailed original receipts and can only be made for the number of people who signed the attendance sheet of the respective event.
Further Information Concerning Remuneration and Reimbursement
For an overview of the amounts with which CUSO subsidizes events (for example accommodation, guest speakers, etc.), consult the CUSO website "Barèmes CUSO" (French). Please note that some of the amounts will change as of January 2018, as detailed in the overview of maximal amounts that can be refunded through CUSO according to its latest management directives.
For further and more detailed information concerning remuneration and reimbursement, consult the management directives (directives de gestion) below.
Management Directives (directives de gestion)
Please note the NEW "management directives" that have entered into effect in January 2018. All 2018 events must be planned in accordance with the new management directives.
For Workshop Organisers: Submitting a Budget
Click on "myCUSO" in the navigation bar, then on "Organizer" and finally on "Budgets" to access the page "Demande de budget pour une activité." Then click on "nouveau" in the top right corner and type the year in the first box and the (provisional) name of your activity in the second one. Once you confirm by clicking on "créer," you create a form which you can fill in with all the necessary information.
Please indicate who the responsible advanced researcher is and note as precisely as possible how long the proposed event lasts (days and hours). Make sure to fill in both the descriptive boxes (left) and the budgeted total amounts (small boxes right) so that it is clear on what basis the budgeted totals are calculated.
Clicking on the button "Mettre à jour les modifications" at the bottom of the form updates your budget calculations. In order to save the inserted information it is important that you always first click on "mettre à jour" and then on "sauvegarde finale et retour vers la liste."
Once the form is ready, tick the box "Soumettre ce budget à la coordination du programme" before clicking on "mettre à jour" and then on "sauvegarde finale," which will allow the programme coordinator to review the budget.
When putting together your budget, you might find it helpful to consult this model budget with explanations in English. For more detailed information concerning CUSO regulations, consult the Management Directives above.